Mysterious Asteroid May Hit Our Earth


Asteroid heading towards Earth expected to pass a day before US elections in November 2020.


 NASA confirmed that the space rock which is predicted to pass the planet at some point before the US Presidential elections on All Souls' Day, 2020, poses no threat to the planet.

 NASA announced on Aug-22, 2020, that an asteroid traced by the scientists as 2018VP1 is coming towards our earth planet and is predicted to expire

the eve of the us elections on All Souls' Day, 2020. In Nasa's official statement, space the organization informed that there is a 0.41 percent chance of this asteroid hitting the world. The prediction has been supported by 21 observations of the asteroid over the course of 12.968 days.

The 6.5' long asteroid was first revealed at the Palomar monitoring center on California in 2018.

the most recent development of the asteroid to pass the planet was informed by the Centre for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS). Asteroid 2018VP1 is extremely small, approx. 6.5 feet, and poses no threat to Earth! It currently features a 0.41% chance of entering our planet’s atmosphere, but if it did, it'd disintegrate because of its extremely small size.


 CNEOS Finding on the asteroids:

CNEOS software which is accountable for real-time monitoring asteroids it counts as NEOs mention that as they orbit the sun.

can occasionally approach the brink of Earth. The agency also adds that a thorough passage astronomically is often very distant in human terms, millions, or even tens of the many km. CNEOS could also be a neighborhood of NASA’s propulsion Laboratory.


SUV size asteroid passed earth:


previously in August 2020, an asteroid with the size of an SUV traveled past Earth.

The Asteroid 2020QG that had moved 2,950 km high the Southern Indian Ocean was the nearest an asteroid had arrived at Earth.

NASA while informing about the asteroid had mentioned that if it had actually been on an impact trajectory, it'd likely to possess become a fireball because it broke up in Earth’s atmosphere, which mostly happens several times during a year.


CNEOS means: The Centre for Near-Earth Object Studies

NEOs means: Near-Earth Objects

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