Six Free Ways to Make Money on YouTube Without ads.

 Six Free Ways to Make Money on YouTube Without ads.


Dear Friends, We know today’s people want to become successful on Youtube. But sometimes they get demotivated due to a lack of proper knowledge. So this article is dedicated to knowing the six free ways to make money on youtube without ads.

 1.Affiliate marketing

The very first way that you can make money for free on YouTube is by affiliate marketing. What affiliate marketing is,if you're not familiar with that concept, is basically you fronting

products that you're already using or things that you would recommend to the people that are watching your videos. You don't want to pick just anything. You want to find things that would be a good fit for the people that are watching your videos. How it works is you sign up for an affiliate program.

let's say Amazon or Walmart or B&H photo or something else. They will give you a special link that is just for you. It's a tracking code. And basically what you do is you take that link,

and you put it down in the description of your video. Then when you're making your videos.

You tell people like, let's say that you're showing a particular product. For example, let's say that I was trying to spread awareness about this Aputure light, which I'm not, but let's say that what I was in that situation, in terms of the affiliate side of things what I would do, is I would let people know, I would talk about this or whatever.I would say, you know,

This is the light I use for a specific thing. And then I would let you know, I've got a link for this down in the description below. It's pretty easy. And then for the people that click on that link

that decide to buy that thing, that you're bringing attention to, if they make a purchase,

You get a commission for the purchases that they make, which is a win for them, a win for the company, and a win for you for jumping in the middle of that transaction.

But the trick with this is that you have to make sure that whatever it is that you're bringing attention to is something that your viewers would actually care about based around the type of content that you make.

So, if you're doing cooking content, for example,just promoting like the camera gear that you use. I mean, it's a start, but it's not enough. Like you want to think, okay, the people that are watching cooking videos. They're probably into cooking.

So because of that, maybe I'm promoting aprons of some kind, or maybe I'm doing something where I'm bringing specific utensils to people's attentions or their attention,or I'm recommending this pottery set that I use, or, you know, something along those lines.But you want to think of how relevant the thing is to the people that you're making content for, or the type of content that you're making. Tech channels would promote tech products, cleaning and organizational channels would promote things on cleaning and organizing.

Filmmakers can promote plugins and software. You gamers thought I was going to leave you out, didn't you? As a gamer, you could promote all the streaming stuff that you use. You could promote actual game systems.

The idea is simply just to spread awareness about the things that you already use, or the things that your audience would care about, and then drive them down to your video description, where they can click on a link, where you will get tracked at that point in time for, or credit, I should say, at that point in time for sending them to whatever website it is

that they would buy it from. Then you make money from that.

 Another thing that's really important,if you are already promoting things as an affiliate,or if it's something that you are new to,and you're going to start doing,in that situation, you want to make sure that you're putting in a affiliate disclaimer down in your description as well.

So you can Google what that is specifically, but it's basically just telling people that are in your description,that what it is that they're clicking on,that you will get a commission if they do click on that link and make a purchase.

 Okay, next on the list we have Patreon and sites like Patreon to where you can create additional content to put there, or you can just make it

possible for people to donate what it is that you're doing. So with Patreon, of course,you would want to make sure that you're putting additional content there that you're offering, an

additional thing there, an additional value to the people that are watching your content. You don't have to be monetized on YouTube. in order to send the people over to Patrion, where they can actually join your group over there. So that you can get monthly recurring revenue

from the people that are a part of your Patrion as well.

There's also sites like and Ko-fi, where you can also accept donations from the people that are watching your content. I actually use Buy Me. A Coffee for my podcast because my podcast is called Comments Over Coffee, and then Buy Me A Coffee, so the theme goes together well, but people will go there.

People that enjoy the podcast, they'll go there. And from time to time, I'll get donations through that. So, you can apply the same exact thing to what it is that you're doing here on YouTube as well.

2. To Sell merch on Youtube

Now when it comes to merch, a lot of people will instantly think when I say that,

"But I don't have the merch shelf on YouTube. How am I going to sell merch?"

Well, just as a heads up, you don't have to have the merch shelf on YouTube

in order to sell merch. So the way that you actually sell merch from your YouTube channel is.  You can use They have a merch option on there. You can use Teespring, even though you don't have the merch self, you can go ahead and get your Teespring stocked up, so that once you do get that activated on your channel, you can just plug it right in. You can also use Spreadshirt, which is another service where you can upload your designs there. And then people can go there and buy them as well. You also have Redbubble as an option. You have Amazon merch as an option. But the idea is you can upload your designs to whichever sites. It is what you want. In addition to being able to tap into their actual marketplaces on those sites as well.

You're also giving yourself the opportunity to take the links to your merch stores on those different sites, put them in your description, and let people know in your videos, because you're either wearing the merch, or you're just letting them know that you have the merch available. Just put that link down in your description, and then people can actually go to those sites through your link and they can make a purchase, and actually buy your merch.

For this, you can make complex designs, if you would like, if you have the skills in order to do that, or at the very least, you can just use words.

For example, this shirt right here is Cody Waters, No Small Creator movement. And as you can see, it's just a hashtag with some text on it.You can do something similar. This one here is Vegard's,my video editor's shirt, and basically the exact same thing, he took his slogan, and then he just turned it into text. And then you can get that from his merch. And then one of the examples that I have on mine is my Add Value or my Start YouTube Partner Program yet. 

The bonus is, if you can come up with some really clever things with what it is that you're going with your text on your shirts, then those marketplaces can actually sell those for you as well, like I mentioned before. And if you take that one design, you can upload that design to a bunch of these platforms so that you're able to tap into all the different marketplaces, which allows you to create an additional little bit of income, or maybe a lot if you come up with something clever.

3. Offer Service in Which you are expert

So you might be thinking, Randy, how am I going to offer services? I don't actually offer any services. Like what could I possibly offer from my YouTube channel?" I believe that almost everybody has something that they can provide as a service off of their YouTube channel if they wanted to, if they wanted to put in that extra work.

So for example, if you're a content creator, you already know how to put videos together,

you know how to edit videos. You could offer that particular service. If you are making cooking videos, then in that situation, you could also teach people how to cook as an example. And yeah, people like me want to learn how to cook better so that we can make better and more delicious food for ourselves. And you would be able to offer something like that off of your channel, if you were doing cooking or recipe videos.

But you don't have to get fancy with it. All you have to do, because you're demonstrating whatever it is that you make content about, you're demonstrating that you know how to do

whatever it is that you're doing. So because of that, all you have to do is just let people know

that you're offering a service, which is a big part of generating leads, but just let people know that you're offering a service throughout your content. And when you're doing that, just put,

simply put an email address down in your description, and put next to your email address,

contact me for whatever service it is that you happen to be offering. And before you know it, as your channel starts growing, and as you start getting more attention, and as you get better at making videos that get in front of more people and things like that. Before, you know it, you're going to have a nice little client base based off of the services that you offer.

4. Make EBook or Guides and sell them

 Now with guides and ebooks, the win with this one, even if you're a gamer, let's say, is that you can put together a guide that would literally show people in whatever game it is that you're playing, that would literally show people like all this hidden stuff. And it could be like the secret guide to whatever game. It is that you're playing. And the idea is that shows all the secret places in their shows where you can get all the weapons.

It shows where you can get all the cars, or where you can get all  you know, how you can beat all the bosses or whatever it happens to be. It just takes you through that process.

So it's going to take you some time to put it together, but when, once you put it together,

you have a digital product that you can sell that people can continue to buy over time

as you spread awareness about that specific thing. Now you might be thinking

who would actually buy something like that. You would be surprised how much you can sell stuff like that. You can sell it for a dollar, $2, $5, $10. It depends what it is that you're making.

So if you're a cook, if you're in that scenario, and you're making recipe videos and that sort of thing, you know, a big fat recipe ebook, you'd be able to sell that for a decent amount

compared to like, let's say, hidden gems inside of a particular game, that one you might only be able to get a few bucks for as an example, but it's money that you're getting without ads.

And I know you might be thinking, "Okay, dear, well, this is great, but how do I actually

go through the process? I gotta learn all this stuff about how to, you know, make a website so they can actually download this, and you know, all that stuff. And how do I connect all the payment things and all that?" There's actually a website that you can use, and this is not sponsored in any way, shape, or form.

There's actually a website that you can use called Cel-Fi. They make this process easy, and you can actually go there, and you can put your stuff there. And then as people buy it, then they can download it directly through their process that they already have set up for you.

5. Sell your Own Product or Service

The next thing I'm actually just going to go ahead. I was going to say like your own products,

but I'm actually gonna go and just wrap this into guides and ebooks. So even like filmmakers, you'll see filmmakers selling, like, you know, LUT packs, you'll see photographers selling like Lightroom presets. You'll see, you know, all kinds of just different digital products being sold based around the different things.

So because of that, you can do your own products, which is basically, you know, the guides and the e-books, like I was talking about. It could be the LUTs and the presets. It could also be, you know, that sort of thing to where you make special things for your audience. So, as an example, I have something called a Pad Planit, and the Pad PlanIt is an iPad planner for content creators. So I made this thing on an airplane, and then I started using it, and I started modifying to make it even better.

But basically it's what I use to plan my content. And with that particular thing, people can download that, and they can add it to their iPads in order to be able to plan their content in a more intuitive way, 'cause you're actually writing on it and things like that. And that particular thing is a digital product that I created and people buy it. And every time they make a purchase, then I make the income from them making that purchase.

6. Make Your Own Website

 I think this one is just a little bit more complicated because there are some skills that you're going to have to put into place for this one, or some things that you're gonna have to watch some videos on to know how to do. But it's basically making a website and letting people know that you have that website, so that you can continually send the people that are watching your videos to that website by spreading awareness about it in your videos.

Now, the really cool thing about the website is you're actually going to have multiple ways that you are going to be able to monetize that website as well. So even if you're not in the YouTube Partner Program, you can also monetize your website by putting ads on that website.

So that when we will go there, then you're getting ad revenue from people actually seeing or clicking on the ads there, which is a win, or you can tap into just completely different ad networks. You can sell advertising on it based on the amount of traffic you're able to drive and things like that.

But that gives you an additional way that you can also create income from what it is that .You are doing here on YouTube. But again, that's one that you do have to have a little bit of a skill set for, or that you're at least going to have to watch some YouTube videos to know how to do. 

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