How to Promote Youtube Channel for Free?


How to Promote Youtube Channel for Free?

This article is dedicated to my follower on Quora, who ask for it, so lets deep dive into it.

What social platforms would I focus on?

Probably the hottest one right now is Instagram. You have the opportunity to do profile posts,

profile videos, daily Instagram stories, Instagram lives, now there's IGTV and all of those are a big opportunity. Hey, what's up. Randy here with RMG TECH, bringing you the best tips and tools for building your influence with articles, and on this website, we do a lot of tech gear reviews as well as kinda Q and A articles just like this one.


 I asked you your questions on my Quora account and a lot of questions came in about how do I use social media to grow my YouTube channel and what are the best platforms? So we are going to discuss one of them in this article, so let's just jump right into it.

 Someone says,"I have just started a channel "so I'm in the early stages, about 10 videos in "and I would love to know "how I should be using social media. "I've opened up an Instagram account and a Facebook account "but I'm not sure how to best engage my audience. "Would posting links to my videos be enough?" Great question. Well first of all if your goal is to grow on YouTube, I suggest spending 80% to 90% of your energy just focusing on YouTube and not getting distracted with social media too soon.

Best Platform for Your Target Audience

I recommend picking the best platform for your target audience as a support platform for your YouTube channel. I think that Instagram is an all-around hot platform right now. Maybe if you had more of a female demographic or fashion or certain things, Pinterest could be interesting. It's also a search engine. Maybe more business-minded.  LinkedIn as a support platform to generate new awareness and interest that you could eventually send over to your YouTube channel.

But one of the biggest mistakes that people make is they try to just like start an Instagram account and all they post there are links to their YouTube videos. That will pretty much never work because nobody wants to follow you on Instagram just so they can see you promote something somewhere else. If you wanna use your Instagram account to grow your YouTube channel then you should use your Instagram account to grow your Instagram account.

What do I mean? I mean you should put valuable content on Instagram that is not telling people to link away, that your target audience would find interesting, and then after you've

built some influence there, every once in a while you go hey, I got a video out on YouTube and some people will head over there.

But a big thing I've noticed is that especially when you're starting a brand new social media platform, you are not going to get much traffic from it over to your YouTube channel. You're much better off putting out the best quality videos possible, optimizing them really well, and using a little bit of hustling and generating and DMing people and hitting up your friends and following hashtags, to get some traffic. So that you can have a breakout video, blow up your YouTube channel, and then later as you get more momentum and may even have some revenue, maybe you expand on to other media platforms.

Too many people spread themselves too thin too soon when it comes to YouTube and social media, so really focus on your number one priority which is probably YouTube. Get some traction there and then use that momentum for your future. Next question 

What are the best social platforms to promote your YouTube channel?

 Now, we know that YouTube is a priority, what social platforms would I focus on to gain new awareness?

There are a few. Probably the hottest one right now is Instagram. It's crowded but everybody is there. It just takes a lot of energy. You have the opportunity to do profile posts, profile videos, daily Instagram stories, Instagram lives, now there's IGTV and all of those are a big opportunity but I would honestly say like you might if you are going to do a one-two punch say okay I'm gonna spend 70% of my energy on YouTube,30% on Instagram because it's such a titan and really focus there. I think you can still get discovered by new people with hashtags and Instagram TV now, because it actually starts with previews in the feed, is a big deal. 

Secondly, LinkedIn video and LinkedIn. I'm super pumped about LinkedIn right now. If you have a business-minded, kind of entrepreneurial professional audience, it's one of the most favorable, if not the most favorable algorithm on the internet right now for getting discovered and again add value on LinkedIn, text posts, image posts, native videos that are uploaded

to LinkedIn and then every once in a while, link your YouTube videos there and you can get some real traction.

RMG TECH, if you happen to be on LinkedIn, add me. I will put a link to it in the highlighted here and check out what I'm doing on my activity feed. You'll see a mix of different types of posts as well as posts to my YouTube videos and a lot of times these are getting 300, 400, 500 views on LinkedIn, and probably you know 50 views over on YouTube. So that's a big deal, so definitely consider LinkedIn. 

"Is Reddit any good for promotion?"

Now come to your point about Reddit, I think it's a massive opportunity, you just don't wanna dabble there. I actually don't know much about Reddit. I know that if you're active and you're part of the community, you understand how it works, you really go deep, you build relationships, you build your reputation,

Reddit can be a massive place of discoverability and even going viral with maybe what you're talking about, a trending post, something hot in your niche. So definitely consider researching Reddit.

Is Facebook Good to Promote?

I think the Facebook organic reach is harder than ever before. It's its own strategy, It's almost like if you're doing Facebook live, Facebook watch, Facebook it's great. But using Facebook to send traffic to YouTube is a kind of tough job and only gets a few views, not subscribers.

Is Twitter best?

 I think we should all be on Twitter just to be kind of social, to connect and not necessarily for promotion and publishing content, more for conversations. In fact, we're not connected on Twitter.

Why not? 

Why are we not connected? Add me. 

Can you tweet me?

Can you send me a tweet right now?

Could you pause this video and tweet me?

Okay, but Twitter's probably not a great way to grow if you're starting your Twitter account from scratch but it's worth you know letting people know. when you post a new video on that platform as well.

"Is it still possible to grow just on YouTube alone?"

The answer is actually yes. I've got friends right now that are launching new YouTube channels and they're just growing on YouTube alone. What they're doing is putting out a lot of quality content, they're trying to upload as many videos as possible and what they're after is a breakout video. When you get a breakout video, you trigger the algorithm. 

A friend of mine just started a brand new channel, already like 200 subscribers, he's already getting watch time,but he's putting out multiple videos. They're maybe not all doing well but you hit that right one at the right time with the right thumbnail, the right optimization, the right content. So definitely focusing on YouTube is still a thing.

Is Qura best for Free Promotion?

social media platforms that you mentioned Quora.

And Think Media, if you haven't heard of Quora before, it's kinda like Yahoo Answers. Look it up, it's Q-U-O-R-A .com and it's a place where people ask questions. Now here's a to-do, if you really wanna grow on YouTube this year, write down the top 10 questions that your target audience asks the most. Like for YouTube tips, it's like how do I get views, How do I get subscribers? What are the questions they're asking based on your niche that you can get discovered for? Turn those 10 questions into 10 videos, upload those videos on your channel, maybe once a week, and then what you can do is go over to Quora and use those videos to answer those questions. They're probably pretty relevant. That would be a great way to get some content ideas for your channel and to use Quora and YouTube as like a one-two punch to generate some new viewership and subscribers.

Now if you want some deeper dive strategies on how to get more followers on social media so you can grow your YouTube channel faster and ultimately that are just not the fluff that a lot of people are putting out there, I have a deep-dive training on my four biggest tips for getting followers on social media.

So hey, if you got value out of this video, can you smash the like button?

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