1. Lean Manufacturing
2. What is Lean?
- No “Fat”
- Streamline flow
- Optimized process
- Promotes Value Add
- Reduces
- Cost
- Lead time
- A philosophy?
- A process?
- An end result?
- Continuous improvement
- “Good enough is not good enough”
3. What Is Lean?
Lean is basically all about getting the right things, to the right place, at the right time, in the right quantity while minimizing waste and being flexible and open to change. More importantly, all of these concepts have to be understood, appreciated, and embraced by the actual employees who build the products and therefore own the processes. The cultural aspect of lean is just as important as the actual tools or methodologies.
4. What Is Lean? Lean Thinking is a mindset
Lean is about REMOVING WASTE, and increasing customer value. Lean is about smooth process flows, doing only those activities that add customer value and eliminating all other activities that don’t. "Lean" comes from the ability to achieve more with less resource, by the continuous elimination of waste.
5. Lean Manufacturing
– a paradigm to get morefrom less Lean manufacturing aims at improving systems and practices to deliver more and better value with lesser inputs and considers use of resources for any goal other than creation of value for customer as undesirable and to be wasteful and, therefore, a target for elimination What Is Lean?
6. Lean Manufacturing is a systematic way to deliver the :
highest quality, lowest cost products with the shortest lead-times through the relentless elimination of waste.” Defining Lean Lean manufacturing is simply a continuously progressive way of producing what the customer wants, when they want it, at a price they are prepared to pay and using least resources.
7. Purpose of Lean
The purpose of Lean Manufacturing is to make your company strong and fast. Strong = High performance, repeatable performance Fast = Easily adapts to fluctuations in market conditions Reduced operating costs and improved customer satisfaction are natural by-products of being Lean
8. • Specify value from the standpoint of the end customer by product family.
('Specify what creates VALUE from the customer's perspective ) Define Value from the Customer Perspective • Identify all the steps in the value stream for each product family, eliminating whenever possible those steps that do not create value.(Identify all the steps across the whole value stream supply chain, from raw materials to finished goods) Identify the value stream • Make the value-creating steps occur in tight sequence so the product will flow smoothly toward the customer , Make those actions which create value flow Make the process flow • Make only what the customer has ordered Pull from the customer • Strive for perfection by continually removing successive layers of waste • Lean is all about respecting people while eliminating the 3 M’s which are muri (overburdening), mura (unevenness), and muda (non value added activity). Head toward Perfection 5 Principles of Lean
9. Defining Lean (Considering Lean Principles )
A systematic approach to identifying and eliminating waste (non-value-added activities) through continuous improvement by flowing the product at the pull of the customer in pursuit of perfection.” Non-value added is an activity that takes time, resources or space, but does not add to the value of the product or service itself. Value-added is an activity that transforms or shapes raw material or information to meet customer requirements. Waste: Anything that adds Cost to the product without adding Value
10. OrderProcessing, Transport, Storage, Waiting, Rework, Machine Setup, Inspection, Machine Breakdowns, etc... It means :
- Eliminating work processes that add no value to the product - Simplify those processes that add value RUN TIME Total Lead Time Typically >95% of Total Lead Time is Non-Value Added!! The Basics of Lean Manufacturing
11. Lean – What Does It Mean?
Value Chain ConsumersSuppliers Reduce Lead Time Better service Less stocks Less cost Higher flexibility Improved Morale Reduced Complexity Eliminate Non Value Added activities Maximizing flow of customer “value” by eliminating waste , variability and fatigue
12. 12 Lean – What Does It Mean?
After (non value add) Wait Time Work Time (value add) • Cost • Defects • Lead Time • Inventory • Space • Waste • Productivity • Customer Satisfaction • Profit • Customer Responsiveness • Capacity • Quality • Cash flow • On time delivery Cycle Time Before Same work Completed in Least time
13. Lean = Eliminating
Non Value Activities 5% 95% VALUE ADDED NON VALUE ADDED
ARE NEEDED To Brief Lean : We Define
15. Concept of Lean
Manufacturing Eliminate MUDA Eliminate MURA Eliminate MURI CREATE VALUE
16. 16 Central Theme of Lean
MUDA MURA MURI Non Value Added Activities, waste & waiting Inconsistent, Irregular or uneven use of person or machine Physical Strain and Overburden
17. Muda, Muri , Mura Muri and Mura
lead to Muda Example : 12 tons of material to be shipped in a 4 ton-truck X 2 = Overburden Two 6-ton trips X 6 = Waste Six 2-ton trips = Unevenness MURI MUDA MURA No MURI The three ‘MU’s avoided X 3 = No MUDA No MURA
18. The Original Seven Mudas (Wastages)
Acronym :-T.I.M.W.O.O.D 1. Transportation 2. Inventory 3. Motion 4. Waiting 5. Overproduction/ Excess
6. Over Processing 7. Defects Later an eighth waste described as Underutilized People/ Non Utilized Skill / Tallent .
19. 7 Wastes
+ 1 Deadly Waste of Lean We define as DOWNTIME D • Defect O • Over Processing W • Waiting N • Non Utilized Talent T • Transportation I • Inventory M • Motion E • Excess Production