Do you know Panchvati Plantation | It is started in Ludhiana |

Do you know Panchvati Plantation: It is started in Ludhiana
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Importance of five: In our mythological texts, the word "Panch" (five) has great significance. 

"Panchbhut" (Five Elements) created creation from the earth, water, light (Agri), air, and sky.

 The human body completes five senses, skin, eye, nasal, tongue source (ear) and five  karmandriyas. Similarly, five species of Panchavati, Peepal, Banyan, Bel Ashok and  Amla symbolize environmental perfection.

Panchavati of Ramayana:

A holy site (forest area) in Ramayana is denoted as  Panchavati.  Where Shri Ram spent the time of exile with Sita and Lakshman building a  foliage cottage. Presently this place is near Nashik.     In the "Kamban Ramayana", five huge vat trees (banyan trees) situated in a circular circle  on the south bank of the Godavari river have been called Panchavati. During the exile Sri Rama,  Sita and Lakshman constructed the deciduous between these five trees. Shri Ram lived in  and destroyed the carriers of sin and imperfection.

  According to the Hemavarya fast section of the Panchavati mythological book 'Skanda Purana'  mentioned in the Purana, the description of Panchavati is as follows- Panchavati: 'Peepal, Bel, Vat, Dhatru (Amla) and Ashoka, these five trees have been  called Panchavati. They should be installed in five directions. Ashwattha (Peepal) should  be established in the east, in the north, Vat (Banyan) in the west, Dhatru (Amla) in the south  for penance. After five years, the four-handed beautiful and Sumanohar altar should be installed  in between. It is the one who gives eternal fruits and the fruit of penance.

Vrihad Panchavati: 'Four bell trees should be established in all four directions in the central part of  Vrihad Panchavati. After that, the planting of the four-watt tree should be done in the four corners.  After this, plant twenty-five Ashoka trees in circular form. Two alalki (amla) trees should be planted  in the south direction and four peepal trees should be planted in all four directions. This is how great  Panchavati is constructed.


How to apply

 Panchavati: First of all, you should choose a flat place. Then, mark twenty-twenty hands (10-10 meters)  in all four directions from the center and put a mark in the middle on twenty hands (10 meters), even at the right angle between the east and south direction. Make pits at these identified places.

These  include the installation of Peepal in the east, Amla in the south, Bell in the north, Vat tree (banyan)  in the west and Ashoka tree on the north. After five years, a square beautiful altar of four cubits long  and four cubits (2. and 2 m) should be constructed in the center. The altar should be flat on all sides  and should face in all four directions.

Vrihad Panchavati:

If more space is available, then establish Vrihad Panchavati.  The planting method of the plants will be the same as above. But its hypothesis is really circular.  The installation of a beautiful altar will be undone. First 5 m from the center. Radius 10 m Radius, 20 m. Radius,  25 m, And make five circles (circumference) of radius thirty meters. 

  • First 5m Establish four vine trees in four directions on a circle of radius. 
  • After this 10 m Install four banyan trees in the four corners on the second circle of radius.
  •   20 m Plant 25 Ashoka trees at equal intervals (about 5 m)  on the third circumference of the radius.
  • The fourth circle On the periphery of the radius,  there is a law to establish two trees of amla in the south direction on both sides, five to five  meters from the length of the south direction.
  • 10 meters between two amla trees. Will remain.  Fifth and last 30 m. Plant four trees of peepal tree in four directions on the circumference on a  circle of radius. In this way, a total of forty-eight (36) trees will be established.
  • In which four trees  will be of the vine, four banyans, 25 trees of Ashoka, two trees of amla, and four trees of peepal.


Scientific analysis of Panchavati mentioned in Skanda Purana makes it clear that the knowledge  of serious Ayurveda, psychology, horticulture, forestry, architecture, and environmental protection  has been used in its composition. Medicinal importance: These five trees have unique medicinal properties. They have all those  qualities in them so that a person can be able to diagnose all his diseases by staying longevity.  Amla is the richest source of vitamin C and is a great remedy to make the body resistant to diseases.  Banyan milk is very strong. Its daily intake causes rejuvenation of the body.

There is a unique  increase in biographical power and there is a communication of new consciousness in the body.  Peepal is an antidote and inflammatory to relieve blood disorders. Bell is an effective medicine  for stomach related diseases, while Ashoka is the main medicinal tree for female disorders.

Environmental Importance:

Banyan is a huge tree providing cool shade. In the afternoon of summer, when the strong rays  of the sun provide unbearable heat and strong heat prevails the Panchvati in the Panchavati  keeps the Panchavati cool and air-conditioned by creating a dense shade on the west side.  Peepal is the best tree to exploit pollution and generate vital air.

When Arunoday takes place  in the morning for the new aura, then the peepal tree with the pure sunlight creates a spiritual  the atmosphere and the effect of the beings that come under its influence is bright. Probably  because of this effect, Lord Buddha

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