Excellence only comes away from the Comfort Zone!

Excellence only comes away from the Comfort Zone!

Excellence only comes away from the Comfort Zone! A little book, Jonathan Livingston Seagull, swept America and the world in 1970, selling more than seven million copies. And by the way, it was turned down by 18 publishers before it was accepted.

Richard Bach wrote the 10,000-word story about a seagull that refuses to join with the seagulls in his flock that are only interested in scavenging savagely for food. Instead, Jonathan Livingston Seagull wants to fly and soar to heights none of his kind could even imagine. Most seagulls learn only how to get from shore to food and back again. But Jonathan kept going off by himself, flying higher and higher, until he finally was able to reach 8,000 feet, far higher than any other seagull had ever flown. He even learned to fly at night, something seagulls never do.

Jonathan would go into dives straight down - reaching the incredible speed of 214 miles per hour. He taught himself to do the loop, the slow roll, the snap roll, the point roll, the inverted spin and the pinwheel! Every day he kept learning new ways to fly that stimulated and nourished his soul.

Although initially rejected by his flock for his unorthodox approach to life, Jonathan eventually became a seagull hero of wisdom and renown. Younger seagulls flocked to Jonathan to learn his flying secrets.

The lesson of this little book is the necessity to risk some things in life and, above all, to keep on learning - always learning. There are few prizes for following the flock. No doubt about it, taking chances and making changes can be daunting. But consider the alternative.

If you aren't content with the status quo, you have no choice but to change the way you are operating. After all, it is the continued search for excellence and devotion to learning that is the true secret of professional accomplishment and personal happiness As usual, for all those who wish to read the book, by being little away from the comfort zone, and seeking excellence, I will be happy to share the book. Have a great Day !!

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