What is COPPA on YouTube?

What is COPPA on YouTube?

This question is asked by Asma Inamdar quora.

COPPA stands for: Children's Online Privacy Protection Act

COPPA, or the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, is a U.S. federal law that was enacted in 1998 to protect children's privacy online. The law requires websites and online platforms to obtain parental consent before collecting personal information from children under the age of 13. YouTube, as a popular video-sharing platform, is subject to COPPA regulations and has implemented various measures to comply with the law.

One of the primary ways YouTube complies with COPPA is through the use of a specialized version of the platform called YouTube Kids. This app is designed specifically for children under the age of 13 and provides a safe, age-appropriate environment for them to watch videos. YouTube Kids has a range of parental controls, including the ability to limit screen time, filter content, and disable search.

For content creators who target children under the age of 13, there are additional COPPA-related requirements that must be met. Specifically, creators must indicate whether their content is directed at children by selecting the appropriate category in the YouTube Studio dashboard. Additionally, if a creator’s content is deemed to be directed at children, they must comply with COPPA by:

  1. Not collecting personal information from children without verifiable parental consent
  2. Providing notice to parents about the collection of personal information
  3. Obtaining verifiable parental consent before collecting personal information
  4. Implementing reasonable procedures to protect the confidentiality, security, and integrity of the personal information collected from children

If a creator fails to comply with COPPA, they can face significant penalties, including fines of up to $42,530 per violation. To help creators navigate the complex requirements of COPPA, YouTube has provided a range of resources, including a dedicated Help Center page, training materials, and FAQs.

In summary, COPPA is an important law that helps protect the privacy of children online. As a platform that caters to a wide range of users, including children, YouTube takes its responsibilities under COPPA very seriously and has implemented a range of measures to ensure compliance. For creators who target children under the age of 13, it is important to understand the requirements of COPPA and take steps to ensure compliance to avoid potential penalties.

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