What happens when kids use to watch Youtube while having food?

What happens when kids use to watch Youtube while having food?
Picture Credits:Victoria_Borodinova

Hi readers I am Randhir Singh and this article is the answer to the quetion which is unaswered and google recommended this to to my blog to answer. So thats why i am sharing the key information through this article and try to answer.These days it is common to eat in front of television, such as checking phones, looking at laptops, and other screens. While most of us don't really think twice about it, and some even claim that it has benefits, watching TV while eating is a bad habit that does more harm than good.

Why is eating in front of TV a bad idea?

If you and your kids have added screws to your meal time, then watching YouTube on TV,mobile and on laptop while eating has some side effects.

1. Due to overeating and obese

Studies have shown that we eat more food while watching TV because we are not paying attention to how much we are eating. Eating too much will eventually lead to obesity.

2. Distraction

While eating food and watching TV, the brain is distracted and sends the wrong signal to the body and does not process the taste or satisfaction of the palette.

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3. Unhealthy eating habits

Eating unhealthy while watching television becomes a habit because you are unable to appreciate the food you eat if you are focusing on TV.

4. Reduced metabolism

Watching TV while eating slows down the metabolic rate, which causes food to slow down and fat to burn more slowly.

5. Indigestion

Eating and digestion is connected while watching TV because you are unable to process how much and what you are eating. This, in turn, will lead to problems with digestion because your body is unable to digest properly or the food being eaten.

6. No satisfaction

When your brain needs to focus on two things simultaneously, it is not able to enjoy either of them properly.

7. No Family Participation

If everyone is more interested in watching TV while having meals, the interactions that families usually enjoy during meals will not happen, and there will also be less time for family connection in this busy time and age.

Is your child eating while watching TV?

Children who are fussy can be fed better by watching something. Distraction makes it easier for parents to eat them. Unfortunately, it can become a habit, and your child cannot eat food without seeing anything. Children can be rid of this habit, and when they can taunt and tantrum for the first time, they will eventually learn to eat without watching TV.

Tips to keep your children away from TV while eating

Here are some tips on how to prevent your child from watching TV while eating.

  • When removing your child from the TV, make sure you do not get distracted by the TV, mobile or laptop. Give them your full attention, so that they know that the food is right to eat.
  • Picture Credits:Teresalunt
  • If your child already has this habit and you want to get them away from it, then you will need to make sure that your child is hungry, but should not be hungry at meals. This means that you need to make sure that you do not allow their snack time to be too close to their meal time. If your child is comfortably hungry, he will not be bothered by whether he has a TV in front of him.
  • Start weighing with foods that they like. This makes it easy for them to eat their food, even if their favorite TV show is not running.
  • Start with small meals. You can start a five-minute meal on time without the TV, and then you can end the meal time. If they are infesting during their meal and have not eaten enough, you can always give them a snack again later, but make sure it is not done in front of the TV. This will help break the association that children have made with food and TV.
  • Ensure that the whole family eats without television otherwise, it does not matter if you are trying to build good habits in your child. Children will follow their parents' habits and follow their behavior.
  • If your child still refuses to eat without TV, you can consult a physician or professional for help. At first, it may seem difficult to stop your child from eating while watching TV, so the best thing to do is not to create this habit at all. Remember that these days, our lives are very busy and sometimes the milestone as a family is only once that a family really bonded with each other and shared how their days were . Keep the meal time as family time and enjoy the food you've spent a lot of time preparing, but most of all, enjoy each other's company.
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